
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Resurrection in the first novel I have read by Mike Duran. I look forward to his writing more such novels. The authors website: http://mikeduran.com/
In conjunction with the CSFF Blog Tour, I received a free copy of this book from the publisher.
We read in scriptures about the sick being healed and the lame walking, and even Lazarus rising from the dead. We may wish for a friends not to have died, or even one more conversation with them. However, we might be freak out alittle as this book shows, if they sit up in their casket at the funeral especially after we laid hands on them. A great read to show God at work, and realizing the strength of our simple prayers in fighting evil. A great Christian read in the style of great science fiction. A good read. Like I stated give me more like this one.

Not only is it a good read, you get a bonus, it is simply Christian. One Christians can read and face their own lives and faith, a real plus, and a new look at what you say you believe. An maybe, an eye opener to what happens when your prayers are answered, it may just be more then you can handle. An answer may make you rethink all you know and believe.
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