Friday, April 13, 2007

Coral Moon, Brandilyn Collins

This week, the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance is introducing CORAL MOON, Zondervan (April 27, 2007) by Brandilyn Collins.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brandilyn Collins is the bestselling author of Violet Dawn, Web Of Lies, Dead of Night, Stain of Guilt, Brink of Death, and Eyes of Elisha just to name a few.

Brandilyn and her family divide their time between the California Bay Area and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

She also maintains an informative blog called Forensics and Faith where she daily dispenses wisdom on writing, life, and the Christian book industry.


The figure remained still as stone. Leslie couldn't even detect a breath.

Spider fingers teased the back of her neck.

Leslie's feet rooted to the pavement. She dropped her gaze to the driveway, seeking...what? Spatters of blood? Footprints? She saw nothing. Honed through her recent coverage of crime scene evidence, the testimony as last month's trial, the reporter in Leslie spewed warnings: Notice everything, touch nothing...

Leslie Brymes hurries out to her car on a typical workday morning...and discovers a dead body inside.

Why was the corpse left for her to find? And what is the meaning of the message pinned to its chest?

In Coral Moon, the senseless murder of a beloved Kanner Lake citizen spirals the small Idaho town into a terrifying glimpse of spiritual forces beyond our world. What appears true seems impossible.


And as Brandilyn would say...

Presently this Kanner Lake Series of books has its own character blog called Scenes and Beans. Stop by and visit the folks from Kanner Lake!

A curse lies on the Kanner Lake community and teenager experiment with seances and a feeling of evil prevades the town. The pastor offers solace to a suffering community and realizes his lack of sermons on evil and seeking contact with the dead and demons. The town is vulnerable to attack and he plans to correct this is the future. Now, they must free the bonds of evil which engulfs and surrounds them. The books leaves you with the mystery of white hairs from a dead man, who the teenagers claimed to have raised in their seance. Demons?

Parents of a dead daughter seek contact with her and bring the forces of evil into their home and living son's life which destroys them all. The son, a hopeless victim becomes the one who carries out the curse against him own wishes. The first victim is found with a paper and the number 1 circle, the next a number 3. Where is number 2, maybe check the newspaper.



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